2. Transnational Project Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia (09_2022)

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the MakerEDU team took place in the beautiful Old Town of Bratislava, Slovakia on 19 and 20 September 2022. The hosting partner was Škola dokorán – Wide Open School n. o.

During the two-day TPM, the project partners from four countries discussed the current status of project results 1 (training manual on Maker Education) and 2 (catalogue of requirements for a Makerspace). In preparation, there was also a short creative brainstorming session on project result 3 (practical instructions). There was an outlook on next year’s multiplier events as well as on the five-day maker training in June 2023. The responsible partners presented all necessary goals, materials and planned activities in order to derive and define the next steps and tasks.

The highlight of the TPM was a visit to fablab Bratislava, where the project team could again gain wonderful insights into maker activities and Maker Education. Experiences were exchanged, inspiring conversations were held and makings for oneself were made.